About courses

Yoga Teacher Training 200 / 300 hours

Shanti Spiritual Center form yoga teachers very well trained in the following areas: ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, shatkarma, bandhas, pranayama, yoga anatomy, chanting mantra, shaktism, bardo thodol, couple relationships, yoga philosophy, rethinking, health.


Yoga is a millenary science from India. With all respect for India, India’s yoga schools, teachers, masters, sadhu, we want to bring in our country and into Europe traditional Indian yoga.

Bardo Thodol

Bardo Thodol is part of Tibetan culture. We have also been studying this path for over 15 years and deciphered the symbols of Bardo Thodol, the Tibetan Book of the Dead. We will provide this description to help in case of death. The book describes the evolution of the soul after death. How can we help someone who died? What’s going on with him in the first 49 days after death.


Shaktism is a spiritual way that has been described since ancient times in Vedas. Shakti means power, energy and is especially for women to realize inner strength, power, creative power, etc.

Young and healthy

Our school has prepared for you a course of rejuvenation, maintaining perfect health and prolonging life. In clean air, in a healthy atmosphere, with healthy food and proper lessons, your life will become more beautiful and full of health and energy. you will rediscover the joy of living.

3 days with Jesus

For the lovers of Christianity, we studied the teachings of Jesus and we present it  every week in an online conference. On Christmas and Easter, we organize 3 Days with Jesus, an action in which we present His true teachings and meditate with Jesus

Always be happy

In our sense, true happiness is when we have a real communion with God. This course will present ways to be in communion with God. We will awaken our love for God. We will become happy loving God.

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Happy couples

We will present ways to harmonize the couple relationship, how to heal the relationship of couple, ways to awaken the state of love, ways to be in love and in harmonious relationships always.